Knee Pain
Knee pain is common in active children and can range from mild to severe. Specialists at Shriners Children's will assess your child's knee pain to diagnose their condition and develop a customized treatment plan.
Muscle Weakness
Muscle weakness involves decreased strength in the muscles. A Shriners Children's physician can assess your child's muscle weakness, look for a cause and develop a treatment plan.
Skeletal Dysplasia Care
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/Pediatric-Care/Skeletal-DysplasiaSkeletal dysplasia includes many rare conditions where bones and cartilage develop differently. Also called dwarfism. Shriners Children's offers orthopedics, neurology, otolaryngology, physical and occupational therapy, and genetic testing.
Acondroplasia Care
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/Pediatric-Care/AchondroplasiaShriners Children's offers comprehensive specialty care for children with dwarfism, including achondroplasia.
Thumb Hypoplasia
Shriners Children's treats thumb hypoplasia, also referred to as hypoplastic thumb or thumb deficiency, where the thumb is unusually small and underdeveloped.
Patellar Instability
Patellar instability is a condition in the knee where the kneecap is unstable and moves out of place, or dislocates. Shriners Children’s treatment may include physical therapy, immobilization (casting) or surgery.
Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency
Proximal femoral focal deficiency is a malformation in the hip joint and upper part of the femur (thigh bone). This malformation results in a difference in leg length and may cause gait abnormalities.
Scheuermann’s Kyphosis Care
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/Pediatric-Care/Scheuermanns-KyphosisOnly about 4% to 8% of kids in the United States have Scheuermann's kyphosis, but the physicians at Shriners Children's are skilled at transforming the lives of those who do.
Former Chairman Reflects on Evolution of Shriners Children’s Lexington
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/News-and-Media/News/2022/05/Lexington-Shriner-ReflectionWarren Hopkins didn’t have a crystal ball, but he and his fellow board members could see the vision for the future of Shriners Children's Lexington.
Belinda Dixon, APRN
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/Our-Care-Providers/D/Belinda-Dixon-APRN-38317Belinda Dixon, APRN specializes in Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.