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For Gabriel, the Word “Disability” Doesn’t Float

Meet Gabriel

Gabriel was diagnosed with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), commonly known as brittle bone disease, while he was still in his mother’s womb. He was born with two broken legs.

Since he was 9 months old, he has received care at Shriners Children’s Texas. He was given infusions to strengthen his bones, and he had rods inserted into his legs to make them less likely to break. More recently, Gabriel underwent repeat rodding surgery on both of his legs, because he outgrew the old rods. In all, he has now had seven leg surgeries over the course of his treatment.

This ambitious and fun-loving teenager decided long ago that his disability would not stop him from pursuing his hobbies and interests. Among those are a love for deer hunting, joking around with family and friends, playing video games, and, most importantly, competitive swimming.

“A lot of people with this kind of disability let it define them and what they can do,” Gabriel said. “I don’t let OI define me.”

After healing from his most recent surgeries, Gabriel plans to return to the swimming pool to continue pursuing his athletic dreams. He is a member of a competitive swim team in his hometown, and U.S. Paralympic coaches have already noticed his swim times.

Healing comes first, but at 18 I think I’ll have a really good shot at it.

Gabriel competes across the country in swimming competitions, most recently in the U.S. Paralympics Swimming National Championships held in Orlando, Florida, where he scored very high marks. He enjoys competing in freestyle swimming in longer races, and the backstroke in 100- or 200-meter races. According to Gabriel, Paralympic officials have already told him to “get his passport ready.”

He also has other big plans for his future. Gabriel wants to pursue a career in video game development, while he continues working towards swimming competitively in the U.S. Paralympics.

He also has a backup plan, though. “If worse comes to worst, I’ll just become a lawyer like my dad and grandpa,” he said. “I can always continue their legacy.”

Gabriel Enjoys an Active Life

Gabriel is an ambitious and fun-loving teenager with hopes of competing in the U.S. Paralympics.

Gabriel dans les bois portant des vêtements de camouflage

Gabriel (pictured wearing camouflage clothing) enjoys being in nature and deer hunting with his father

Gabriel dans une piscine

After healing, Gabriel (pictured at swimming pool) plans to return to competitive swimming.

Gabriel au panneau de bienvenue des Championnats nationaux paralympiques américains de natation

Gabriel (pictured) hopes to compete in the U.S. Paralympics.

Next Steps

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