Care Management
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/Pediatric-Care/Care-ManagementThe care management team at Shriners Children's consists of registered nurses and social workers who act as resources for families throughout their plan of care.
Wheelchair & Seating
Shriners Children's wheelchair, seating and mobility program is a custom seating clinic available to children with seating needs. Practitioners, technicians and volunteers use tools like seat simulation, pressure mapping and hands on adjustments.
Social Services
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/Pediatric-Care/Social-ServicesAt Shriners Children’s, our specialists in social services are with you every step of the way, helping you deal with challenges and providing the resources you need to feel encouraged and empowered.
Interpreter Services
Interpretive services are important to make sure you understand your child’s care. At Shriners Children's, we have Spanish interpreters and other translation services, free of charge.
Patient Story
Carrie's Inspiring Story of Healing
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/News-and-Media/Patient-Stories/2020/10/Carries-inspiring-story-of-healingJust three days before her 17th birthday, Carrie was in a horrific car accident less than five miles from her home. She sustained second, third and fourth degree burns over 70% of her body and suffered a serious brain injury. Carrie was airlifted to Massachusetts General Hospital, then transferred t...
Patient Story
Go ahead and live your dream
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/News-and-Media/Patient-Stories/2020/10/Sigue-adelante-vive-tu-sueoEmilio is an active patient at the Hospital with a diagnosis of bilateral clubfoot. As part of his treatment, he has undergone three surgeries, one of them including a tendon transfer.
Patient Story
Angelina: The Adaptive Amputee
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/News-and-Media/Patient-Stories/2024/02/Adaptive-AmputeeAngelina became an amputee when she was 4. The life-altering lessons she has learned are now being shared on her Instagram page: The Adaptive Amputees.
Patient Story
Yamil and Derek, and their passion for boxing
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/News-and-Media/Patient-Stories/2020/08/Yamil-y-Derek-pasin-por-el-boxeoIn the success stories that we share with you, we are excited to hear of extraordinary cases where our patients achieve and obtain great satisfaction. Today, we want to share the story of two siblings and their success in boxing.
Patient Story
Jacob's Story: On Track for Greatness
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/News-and-Media/Patient-Stories/2021/01/Jacobs-story-On-track-for-greatnessWhen James and Rachel of Plymouth, Connecticut, adopted 19-month-old Jacob from China in 2013, they knew right away that there would be no stopping him. Despite being born without a right hand and right leg, Jacob was on the go!
Patient Story
Introducing Our 2020 Shriners Hospitals for Children Open Standard Bearer Representative, Danielle
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/News-and-Media/Patient-Stories/2020/07/Introducing-our-2020-Shriners-Hospitals-for-Children-Open-standard-bearer-representative-DanielleDanielle, a high school junior in Tampa, Florida, has a goal of being a Paralympian. Born in China, she developed a life-threatening hand infection, which lead to a below-elbow amputation when she was 3 weeks old.