Respiratory Treatments
Respiratory treatments are often necessary following surgery to strengthen the lungs and prevent infection. Respiratory therapists will provide exercises and treatments patients can do in the hospital and at home.
Naira's Story
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/News-and-Media/Videos/2021/02/Nairas-StoryPhysicians at Shriners Children's Southern California collaborate to provide best care for patient
Maddies Message
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/News-and-Media/Videos/2022/03/Maddies-MessageShriners Children's Boston patient ambassador Maddie shared a message of hope and strength at the height of the pandemic.
Kansas Shrine Bowl Proves to be More Than a Game
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/News-and-Media/Videos/2022/09/Kansas-Shrine-Bowl-More-Than-a-GameThe Kansas Shrine Bowl Hospital Experience expanded minds and moved hearts. We are so thankful for our passionate patient ambassadors who led this important charge at Pittsburg State University.
What is Your Story - Kids Perspective
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/News-and-Media/Videos/2019/05/What-is-Your-Story-Kids-PerspectiveHear about several of our patients and why they love Shriners Healthcare for Children! This video debuted at our 2019 Imagine Believe Achieve Gala.
Jason's Clubfoot Journey
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/News-and-Media/Videos/2019/03/Jasons-Clubfoot-JourneyJason and his family explain why it's worth the drive from from upstate New York to receive care.
Shriners Children's Salt Lake City Tour
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/News-and-Media/Videos/2016/10/Shriners-Hospitals-for-Children-Salt-Lake-CityMeet some of our healthcare heroes in this six minute virtual tour of Shriners Children's Salt Lake City.
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/News-and-Media/Videos/2022/02/ChloeChloe prepares for a second leg lengthening surgery/ treatment plan. She traveled from her home in St. Lucia in 2018 for her first treatment. This time around, she will be cared for at Shriners Children's St. Louis for six months.
Miracles Magic and Milestones Promo
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/News-and-Media/Videos/2022/09/Miracles-Magic-and-Milestones-PromoJoin host Kristen Bell as Shriners Children's celebrates a century of the #MostAmazingCareAnywhere. Miracles, Magic and Milestones premieres September 16 on ABC and streaming on Hulu.
Pain Management - Innovation
https://shriners-production-cd.azurewebsites.net/en/News-and-Media/Videos/2023/08/Pain-ManagementInnovation is guiding our healthcare professionals with pain management.