POPS Care Continues for Shriners Children's Florida Patient Families
We have great news regarding orthotic and prosthetic care for the families of Shriners Children’s Florida; the trusted professionals in Pediatric Orthotics and Prosthetics Services (POPS), an LLC of Shriners Children’s, will continue to provide ongoing services and new devices to past and existing patients at our current location on USF’s campus, 12502 USF Pine Drive, Tampa, 33609.
A visit to POPS is more than measurements and mechanics. It is about sharing hopes and dreams and providing the orthotic or prosthetic with the fit and function a child needs at that moment. Our POPS professionals understand the individual requirements of their growing bodies and how those requirements change and evolve as children get older.
By maintaining ongoing POPS services locally, we uphold our commitment to continuing to deliver high-quality care and customized devices to patients. The experienced and accredited POPS orthotists and prosthetists design, fit and manufacture orthotics and prosthetics for children, including infants, teenagers and young adults. These devices – including shoe inserts, braces and artificial limbs (both arms and legs) – provide the support children need to meet their full potential and pursue their dreams, whether that’s swimming in a race, throwing a baseball, playing an instrument or just keeping up with their friends.
Our goal is to make sure all of the kids that need our care know they can still get it. We are here to ensure that their orthotic and prosthetic needs continue to be met by the same people that have been providing care for over 35 years, all regardless of the ability to pay or insurance status.
Meet Grace
Shriners Children’s Florida Patient Ambassador Grace was born in 2008 without hands or feet. She became a patient when she was 2 months old and since then, Grace has grown up wearing prosthetics and adaptive equipment specifically fabricated for her by the team in POPS. From her customized bike handles to her running blades, Grace is able to remain on the go and explore new hobbies because of the modified devices our POPS staff provides to her.
“The people in POPS believe that I can do anything, and then make it possible for me to try,” Grace said.
Contact the POPS Team Today
To arrange an appointment with the POPS team, please follow these simple procedural guidelines:
- Call the POPS department directly at 813-975-7139. Direct follow-up questions about your appointment to Shaundrel Moore at shaundrel.moore@shrinenet.org.
- For new devices or major repairs, a prescription is required. We accept prescriptions from your child’s new orthopedic surgeon, primary care physician or other specialist.
- Adjustments and minor repairs to current devices do not require a new prescription.
Looking Ahead
Orthotic and prosthetic care will continue at this location into 2023. A move to a new location nearby is planned for early 2023, and this information will be shared at that time. Additional questions regarding POPS services can be answered via the POPS team by calling the number listed above.
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