Shriners Children’s Northwest Classic Has Many Stories to Tell

Shriners Children’s Northwest Classic has many stories to tell

Shriners Children’s Northwest Classic hosted at the Nile Shrine Golf Course allowed golfers to support Shriners Children’s Portland and Shriners Children’s Spokane providing world-class pediatric orthopedic care regardless of ability to pay for over 100 years!
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Gaard Swanson, Seattle Refined:

Welcome back to the show, I'm Gaard Swanson. Teeing up for a good cause. I was lucky enough to be a part of a very cool golf tournament recently that benefited Shriners Children's and it comes as they celebrate 100 years of caring for children in the Pacific Northwest.

Rilynn Tester:

So close!



Rilynn Tester:

You got one in at least!


I got one in!

Rilynn Tester:


Gaard Swanson:

Today, it's all smiles at the Nile Shrine Golf Course in Mount Lake Terrace.


Wait, I want a picture of her. Come on over here.

Speaker 3:

Here we go.

Gaard Swanson:

Kids like Rilynn Tester are helping out at an amazing event. The Shriners Children's Northwest Golf Tournament.

Rilynn Tester, Patient, Shriners Children's:

And then I'm going to take you over here to the game. You're going to take your golf club. You have six tries. You're going to try to make them in the cups and as many as you can. Yeah, I love Shriners. It's like home there. It's like my favorite place to be.

Gaard Swanson:

This year's fundraiser is extra special. Shriners Children's Portland and Spokane are celebrating 100 years of caring for children in the Northwest. Just like Rilynn.

Rilynn Tester:

I had to be Hemimelia. And so I didn't have a kneecap on one side and my legs were like curved, and so I had to be amputated at 10 months old. It was hard.

Speaker 3:

And now look at you you're just,

Rilynn Tester:


Speaker 3:

Doing great!

Peter Brewer, Shriners Children's Spokane:

Yeah, the numbers is actually staggering. So over the course of our history, we've seen 1.5 million kids. And again, it's just truly, you know, all inspiring. Love taking care of the kids and being a part of that incredible mission. And it just really doesn't get any more, you know, better than that. Being part of a Shrine Facility.

Shay Cody:

It's such a great event and we're just proud to be part of it and to help out any way we can.

Susan Dukes, Golfer:

Shriners is a wonderful organization, helps a lot of kids with disabilities and various things and helps their parents through a really difficult time, so it's a great deal for kids and parents.

Gaard Swanson:

Nice shot!

Maggie Morgan:

Thank you!

Gaard Swanson:

Very nice! 11-year-old Maggie Morgan is swinging into a healthier future thanks to Shriners Children's Portland and her treatment for Scoliosis.

Leeann Morgan, Maggie's mom:

When we first got her diagnosis, which was just from a pediatric visit, we were very concerned about where to go for care. We went back and forth a lot about what is the best care for Maggie? And finally we decided on Shriners, not only because we had that connection, but because Dr. Wellborn is such a fantastic surgeon.

Dr. Wellborn, MD, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon:

I actually see her swinging behind you, so it makes me feel joyful. You know, they are the most incredible family. Leeann said, they put me through my paces. They wanted to know, they answered everything. They asked really wonderful, salient questions. And, you know, between myself and my incredible nursing staff who are like my right and left hands, we were really able to help instill that faith and confidence in our system. And she's just done great. I mean, she's such a trooper. She's a really strong, lovely girl.

Maggie Morgan, Patient, Shriners Children's:

I'm very, very appreciative. I remember getting lots and lots of pudding.

Gaard Swanson:

That always helps, right?

Shay Cody:

Yep, chocolate ice cream and pudding I think is,

Maggie Morgan:

And hugs.

Shay Cody:

The favorite memory for sure.

Gaard Swanson:

Shriners Children's commitment to care hasn't changed over the years. It's only continued to grow into one of the top pediatric health care systems in the world.

Dereesa Reid, Shriners Children's Portland:

It's the most rewarding work that I've done in healthcare. I see Shriners. We're at a wonderful inflection point at the century Mark. We are an international health system. We cover from Canada all the way to Mexico City. We have the largest group of pediatric orthopedic surgeons actually in the nation. We do research and teaching of medical students and physicians, and I see Shriners really becoming a worldwide international excellence in providing this cutting-edge pediatric orthopedic care.

Gaard Swanson:

As for Rilynn,

Rilynn Tester:

You can start on that one if you want.

Gaard Swanson:

She's just happy to be at today's golf tournament, to pay it forward.

Rilynn Tester:

It makes me feel really good because I can show little girls that went through what I did, that they don't need to give up some of their stuff in their life because people can help. And this is why I love Shriners, because they help people like me.

Gaard Swanson:

To learn more about Shriners Children's Portland and Spokane. Just head to