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Shriners Children’s Boston Is the Right Place for Cleft Lip and Palate Care

After one visit, Beccalyn knew Shriners Children’s Boston was the right place for her son’s cleft lip and palate treatment.

“There was no question about going anywhere else, so we traveled four hours from Vermont,” said Beccalyn. “The staff made sure we understood everything surrounding Flynn’s care plan.” Flynn’s family learned about the Shriners Children’s healthcare system through a family friend, who brings their daughter to the Boston location for treatment. “They raved about the hospital,” recalled Beccalyn.

Flynn’s family learned about his diagnosis during Beccalyn’s 20-week anatomy scan. Facial clefts form in the womb and are the No. 1 craniofacial birth difference treated at Shriners Children’s. A cleft lip forms when the lip does not properly develop, causing a newborn’s smile to split. A cleft palate is the result of tissues on the roof of a child’s mouth not fusing. If the conditions are not fixed, they can affect breathing, speaking, eating and appearance.

Flynn is now 8 months old and had his first surgery for his cleft lip in July. His mom remembers he woke up smiling at the staff taking care of him. “Flynn was flirting so hard with all the nurses. I could not believe he had woken up from a several-hour surgery and he was so thrilled to be getting the best cuddles from the staff.”

A member of Flynn’s medical team whom Beccalyn is extremely fond of is Kavitha L. Ranganathan, M.D.. Dr. Ranganathan is a board-certified plastic surgeon and the co-director of the cleft and craniofacial center at Shriners Children’s Boston, a collaborative program with MassGeneral Hospital for Children. “The cleft lip and palate clinic at Shriners Children’s Boston is my biggest source of joy,” said Dr. Ranganathan. Patients receive a comprehensive care plan to meet their clinical and developmental needs. Patients can access plastic surgeons, speech pathologists, orthodontists and dietitians in a single visit.

Shriners Children’s Boston is the best for your child because one of the hospital’s specialties is cleft lip and palate care. It’s important for families to go somewhere that focuses on these components of excellence because we strive to do the best for our patients.
Kavitha L. Ranganathan, M.D., Shriners Children's Boston

In addition to specializing in craniofacial surgery, Dr. Ranganathan practices general reconstructive plastic surgery. “When I decided to become a plastic surgeon, it was cleft lip and palate construction that drew me to the field because of the instant gratification of operating on a child to help heal them,” she explained. “The difference you can make in that child’s life for the rest of their life is priceless to me.”

In a major city like Boston, parents have many healthcare options for their children, something that is not forgotten by Dr. Ranganathan. “Shriners Children’s Boston is the best for your child because one of the hospital’s specialties is cleft lip and palate care. It’s important for families to go somewhere that focuses on these components of excellence because we strive to do the best for our patients,” explained Dr. Ranganathan. “It’s nice to have that personal connection and care you get at Shriners Children’s Boston.”

Beccalyn expressed how grateful she is for Dr. Ranganathan and her expertise in helping young patients. “Dr. Ranganathan is so amazing, very kind, and she gives you real advice,” Beccalyn explained. “She always tells you exactly what she’s thinking.”

Flynn returns to the hospital every few months for clinic visits. “We’re hoping after that and a couple of checkups, we’ll be able to go a couple of years in between visits,” explained Beccalyn.

Some children born with a cleft lip and palate may be Shriners Children’s Boston patients throughout their childhood. “The relationship essentially begins with the first surgery when the babies are anywhere from 3 to 12 months old,” explained Dr. Ranganathan. “There are a variety of other surgeries we do as they grow older, but we can take care of children as they grow into adulthood.”

Beccalyn is offering advice for young families experiencing a cleft lip and palate diagnosis, as it can be a scary situation for new parents. “The love you have for your baby does not change at all. They are just as happy as every other child,” Beccalyn said.

Flynn loves listening to all types of music along with spending time with his family, especially since he is the youngest of five. “When his siblings get home from school, they always have to come home and bounce with him. Flynn glows because he loves being around the big kids,” said Beccalyn. In the meantime, Beccalyn is looking forward to the future and forming new memories with Flynn with the help of Shriners Children’s Boston.

Flynn before and after surgery.

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